Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Class Canceled Jan 30, 2k8

Hey all,

No class today, Jan 30. They've closed Parley's summit for now, and when they open it they said it will be restricted to 4WD for a time, alas the little ford escort does not qualify.

See you Monday, remember to do those observations,


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Video Blogs, Vblogs, Vlogs

Today we're going to take a break from our regularly scheduled program to look at vlogs.

Do you have a vlog you'd like to share? Post it in the comments.

Also, remember that your first stab at writing from observation is due on Sunday, 10pm.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Induction? My dear Watson...

Please be prepared to share your revised recall essays, we will go over them briefly in class.

We will be continuing our work on the snapshot essay by exploring a different skill in the genre, writing from observation. We will also tackle inductive analysis and fictionalization as sense making.

  • Tips for writing from observation (please read). I'm curious if anyone notices the source of this tip sheet. How do you feel about it? How do you feel about it being assigned to you?
  • Just for kicks: Angela Booth's Writing Blog, could be called notes from the copywriter's underground, a great snapshot for those of you interested in freelance or copywriting.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Revisiting our writing from recall posts

So you've blogged from recall, how was it?

Today you'll be sharing your writings with peers in groups of seven-ish. They will go over their thoughts with you using the Bedford Guide Checklist to help get things started. Additionally, I'd like to add two questions to the checklist. You will be using the comments field in this activity.

  1. Did using a blog to write from recall alter your writing experience?
  2. Did it, or should it, alter your content?
Finally, I'd like you to create a new post, for Monday (aka Sunday 10pm), where you return to the work you wrote and revise it using your peers input. Do this in a new post.

It is important, at this stage, not to edit your posts when you revise, but rather to create new ones. This will allow you to see your evolution and identify patterns in your strengths and weaknesses. Feel free to copy and paste, however.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Homework 3

Homework 3 (Sunday 10pm):
Complete a post writing from recall. You should re-visit a memory you are willing to share in class. Make it one discrete event or story. We will be reading some of these on Monday.

Accounts, Writing From Recall

We'll start off by making sure everyone has an ArtsTech account. Also, we will double check the class links. See me after class if yours isn't up or is wrong.

We will spend the majority of class talking about writing from recall, before turning you loose to take a shot at it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Request Account With the College of Fine Arts

This is something I should have done with you on the first day. The college of Fine Arts offers all students in an Artstech class access to space on the server as well as access to an impressive digital asset library. Don't let me forget to sign you up for this.

Week 2: Total Recall

Let's talk about about tags, categories, labels and the like.
  • The importance to Web 2.0
  • Compare to hyper links
  • Compare to... what is the real world equivalent?
Let's take a peek at some of your blogs, and take a moment to introduce ourselves.

Time permitting: Writing from Recall

Our first writing project will be writing from recall. Writing from recall is taking memories, recalling them, infusing them with your present knowledge and creating a coherent, often first-person story that allows readers not only to understand the events, but your experience and memory of the events. It may involve varying degrees of reflexivity and disclosure.

Austin Steward, 1857, traditional writing from recall.

Justin Hall as an example of writing from recall on the web.

If you need some help writing from recall you may want to check out the Bedford Guide. Bookmark it, as it is a useful guide to college writing in general.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Welcome to the blogosphere: Homework 1&2

By Friday:
  • Have your blog set up, feel free to tinker
  • Send me an email including a) your real name as you prefer it, b) the URL of your blog, c) the name or handle you want me to use to link to your blog

By Monday:
  • First Post
    • Very briefly answer, "what is a blog?" (click here for a hint)
    • A link to a blog you like and a few lines about it
    • A link to your favorite Web 2.0 app and a few lines about why it's important
  • Second Post
    • Self Introduction, what do you want us to know/who do you want to be?
Be sure to start labeling your posts! (labels vs tags vs categories)

Web 2.0

Video by Mike Wesch

Tim O'Reilly, originator of the term, on Web 2.0, more from O'Reilly

What is Web 2.0? Google Definitions

Andi Gutmans - Web 2.0 as technology

Popular Web 2.0 apps